Custom Fasteners – Manufactured to your Designs and Drawings
For decades Hague Fasteners have manufactured critical custom fasteners components to Customers’ exact designs and specifications, OEM Drawings, Customer Designs or by Reverse Engineering from existing custom fasteners samples.
Established in 1971 Hague Fasteners are proud exporters of their manufactured Custom Fasteners and Special Bolting.
Small Quantity Custom Fasteners Solutions, 1pc, 5pcs, 10pcs, 25pcs through 200pcs & 500pcs
Hague Fasteners has the knowledge and experience to quote and supply to your specific requirements, including custom items or unique applications, whilst also catering for smaller quantities from 1 to 200 off!
We do not make brash statements about being the “cheapest solution” or the “King of our industry”, however we honestly assure you that should you be so kind as to let us see your next requirement, you will receive our closest attention as we strive to demonstrate why we have over 40 years of proud customer fasteners manufacturing history and experience that will be of benefit to you. We understand, as with all commodities, price reductions are sought, and we always seek to work, with your assistance, to ensure even your tightest budgets can be met.
Reliable British Manufacturing From The Original Craftsmen In Fasteners.