Category Archives: Hague Forest

Carbon Neutral 2021 to 2030

In conjuction with our ‘Hague Forest’ tree planting scheme, Hague Fasteners are proud to re-affirm that we are a Carbon Neutral and Carbon Negative Company.

Hague Fasteners Carbon Neutral

Hague have invested into the United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change Project under CDM Project 2535: CUIDEMOS Mexico (Campana De Uso Intelegente De Energia Mexico) – Smart Use of Energy Mexico, to retire Carbon Credits which sees us offset our Carbon Footprint from 2021 and then retired through to and including 2030.

With the addition of our ongoing tree planting scheme we are ensuring that we have a positive impact on the environment, removing more carbon from the atmosphere than we create through our operation whilst supporting economic and environmental projects and development in Nepal, Kenya, Honduras, Madagascar & The Philippines.

Further Reading:-

Hague Fateners Carbon Footprint

Hague Fasteners Tree Planting – HagueForest

UNITED NATIONS Clean Development Mechanism CDM